Our Solutions

Our solutions come in different forms to best suit your needs. We can blend some of these approaches together to deliver the solution that works best for you. Contact us here.

Face to Face Workshops

These are focused practical workshops, usually for groups of up to 16 people. These could be a one hour, one day or multi-day programme.

Click HERE to browse the ready-to-go topics we have, or get in touch to see if we can create a workshop for you.

Development Programmes

These may be delivered over a period of weeks or months. We often blend solutions together to make the best of time available and to maximise learning transfer. Our development programmes are built around a given need such as readiness programmes for graduates, salespeople, customer service or management development.

Big Events

If you have a conference or away day planned, then we can help you make it memorable. We can deliver interactive conference presentations for audiences of 100's or 1000's of people. We can also facilitate fantastic team events for either indoor or outdoor depending on your venue and needs - again, we can cater for larger events too.

Train the Trainer

Do you want to upskill your colleagues to be confident and effective in delivering their own workshops that create brilliant transfer of learning? We have our own, tried and tested system in how to design workshops and we can train your trainers to design their own internal workshops.

Virtual Workshops

We can deliver live virtual workshops to your colleagues wherever they are in the world, without them even having to leave their desk. Our sister company, The Virtual Training Team specialises in designing and delivering superb interactive and engaging virtual workshops for groups of up to 12 people at a time. Find out more by visiting the website


If you need to reach a larger audience online then we can help you to design and deliver your own webinars, or we can deliver webinars on your behalf too. This could be to announce a product launch, explain a new process or to refresh your colleagues on topics such as time management or good leadership practices.

Workshop Design

Let us do the hard work for you. We can design workshops or entire programmes for you. We can do everything from designing the workshop itself, supporting materials, process notes for your trainers. We can even train your own trainers to deliver these brilliantly!